
Goldfish Help

Welcome to the Goldfish Help. Please choose a topic of the Goldfish Help. Visit the Goldfish Website to get the latest version and additional information:

  1. Document Window
    1. Create and Remove Pages and Folders
    2. Modify the Template Page
  2. Use Templates
  3. Preview in Browser
  4. Tools
    1. Headline
    2. Text Item
    3. List Item
    4. Picture Item
    5. Media Item
    6. Navigation Menu
    7. Horizontal Line
    8. Rectangle
    9. Picture Gallery
    10. Visitor Counter
    11. HTML Code Item
  5. Properties
  6. Create and Publish your Website

To understand how Goldfish works, please read also the following additional information pages.

  1. Working With Fonts
  2. Use Meta Tags
  3. Link Effects
  4. PHP Scripts