Publish Website


If your website is complete, you should publish it on the Internet. So visitors can find and see your website.

You will need a web server to publish your website on the Internet. Usually web hosting service offers access to a web server, but you can also run your own.

Goldfish will not help you to find a web hosting service or to register a domain such as But you can find a lot of web hosting services with Google.

The code files that are generated by Goldfish, should be uploaded to a web server (cloud). The website visitors connect to your web server to request the website.

If your website is complete, you can publish it directly from Goldfish via FTP to your web server. You will need ftp access to your web server to publish your website. Click on Publish from the toolbar.

After generating the website the FTP window will be opened. Enter the ftp address of the web server, the user name and password. Enable Remember password if you want and click on OK. The webserver will be connected.

After connecting, Goldfish shows a list of folders on your web server. On some web servers, you must publish the website in a certain subfolder. Ask your web hosting service for the correct folder, if you don't know that. Double-click on a folder to navigate into it. Click on Publish if you are in the correct folder.

Goldfish remembers all ftp logins which you have entered. You can choose a recent login from the menu next to the server field.

Goldfish published your website and uploads all the generated files of your website to the web server. After a successful upload, a message appears to inform you that the website has been published successfully.

If you have published your website already and you want to make changes in Goldfish, you can publish it again. Click again on Publish from the toolbar. Goldfish shows the FTP window no longer, but uploads only the changed files to the web server. If you want to publish your website somewhere else, choose File > Publish Website As... from the menu.

If you do't want to use the built-in Publish function from Goldfish to publish the website files, you can export them instead. Select File > Export > Website... and you can save the files on your computer.

Error Messages While Creating the Website

There may occur errors during the creation of the website. There are various types of errors when creating the website.

The Website is Damaged

If your website has display problems or errors occur (displaced items and other stuff), your website may be damaged and has to be restored.

Select File > Publish Website As..., and log on your web server, but click NOT on Update after that.

Select the website in the folder list instead (click once) and choose Restore Website (Code Files) from the gear button menu. Goldfish restores your website and uploads all code files again.

If this does not help, repeat the steps, but choose Restore Website (Code Files and Media) this time. This takes significantly longer, but uploads completely all files of the website again.

Publishing Using an External FTP App

If errors occur while you publish the website with Goldfish, you can publish it using an external FTP app. The FTP app used here is Cyberduck.

The folder support/saved only exists, when you use features that store data on your website.

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