

Fill your website with content and add text.

You can add a text box to every page area or area template. To add a text box, edit the content of a page area or area template and drag the text box from the elements panel to the editor.

A text box displays text. Double click on it and you can edit the text. in the text edit mode, the properties on the properties panel change. Select text and click on Edit Text > Font Style > Choose... to change the font style, alignment and size.

The font style is set by the selected font template. Activate a checkbox to overwrite the style property with your own values.

If you use a main style on every page and in every text box, it's better to change the default text template instead of overwriting the style in every text box. Choose nothing (the project properties appear) and click on Project > Font Templates > Choose....

Another important feature on websites is to add links. Select text and activate Edit text > Use as link on the properties panel. Click on Choose... to set the link destination.

It's important to set the semantical meaning of your text. Search engines like google handle headlines different than normal text. Select the text type at Edit Text > Text Type

Maybe you want to use uncommon fonts for headlines and other text. Usually you can't do this at websites, because a font must be installed on the visitor's computer. If you use uncommon fonts it probably won't.

If you use uncommon fonts, activate Text > Render As Picture on the properties panel. Then Goldfish creates a picture with the text in the choosen font. It will be displayed on all computers. Even if the font is missing there.

It's not recommended to use this option for long text. Use this only for head lines. Otherwise the size of your website will grow rapidly.

Properties for Text

These properties can be set for a text box. Select a text box to show its properties.

Item > LeftSets the distance from the left side of the parent element in pixels.
Item > TopSets the distance from the top side of the parent element in pixels.
Item > WidthSets the width of the item in pixels.
Item > HeightSets the width of the item in pixels.
Item > Padding LeftSets the distance from the left side of the item to the content in pixels.
Item > Padding RightSets the distance from the right side of the item to the content in pixels.
Item > Padding TopSets the distance from the top side of the item to the content in pixels.
Item > Padding BottomSets the distance from the bottom side of the item to the content in pixels.
Item > Background ColorSelect a background color for the item.
Item > Background PictureSelect a background picture for the item. With "Repeat", you can choose how the picture will be displayed.
Item > Border Left WidthDisplays a border on the left side of the item in the choosen width (pixels).
Item > Border Left ColorSelect a color for the left border.
Item > Border Right WidthDisplays a border on the right side of the item in the choosen width (pixels).
Item > Border Right ColorSelect a color for the right border.
Item > Border Top WidthDisplays a border on the top side of the item in the choosen width (pixels).
Item > Border Top ColorSelect a color for the top border.
Item > Border Bottom WidthDisplays a border on the bottom side of the item in the choosen width (pixels).
Item > Border Bottom ColorSelect a color for the bottom border.
Item > Add HTML Code Add custom html code to the item to extend Goldfish's functionality.
Item > Add CSS Code Add custom css code to the item. The code will be stored in the css section of your website. You can't change the css code of internal items, but you can use the css code in your custom html code.
Item > Identifer (Id) Sets the value for the "id" property. You can use this id to access the item with JavaScript.
Text > Render as pictureRenders the text as a picture, so that you can use uncommon fonts.
Text > Edit ContentStarts the edit mode of a text box.
Link style > Font styleSets the font style for links.

Visual Effects

You can specify a visual effect, if the visitor interacts with a link (e.g. change the color if the visitor moves his mouse over the link). The following properties are the same for Moving mouse over link effect, Clicking on link effect and Already visited link effect.

Effect > Change fontChanges the font style of a menu item.
Effect > Font styleSets the font style, to which will be changed.


The following properties are only visible if the page has a rss news feed.

RSS > Add text to feedAdds the text box to the news feed of a page.
RSS > Title of the entryThe title of the news feed entry.
RSS > DateThe date, where the entry of the feed is published.

Properties for Edit Text

These properties can be set in the edit mode of a text box. Select a text box and double click on it to start the edit mode.

Edit text > Text typeSets the semantic meaning for selected text (normal text, headlines or list).
Edit text > Padding leftThe the selected text belongs to a list it sets the space between the list bullet and the text.
Edit text > Bullet pictureChoose a bullet picture for your list (only at Text type: List with bullet picture).
Edit text > Font styleSets the font style for selected text.
Edit text > Use as linkUse the selected text as link e.g. to another website.

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